We are quickly catching up on Pre-Orders! We have everything in stock. See News for more information about order status and the effect of the tariffs on small business

The DCC-EX Hardware Store

DCC-EX is a team of dedicated enthusiasts producing open source solutions for DCC model railroading, robotics, and other electronic control systems.

Simple Ready-to-Run Affordable Command Station!
EX-CSB1 Command Station / Booster
Dual 5A track outputs, up to 10 WiFi Connected Throttles. Comes with a 1.3" OLED Display and carrier plate

Customer Info

Payment, shipping, and returns
We can ship to virtually anywhere in the world, with a focus on the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America. We have resellers in the UK, Australia, and the EU. See our website for a full list. Please allow 3-8 business days for your order to be processed, packed, and shipped. Pre-Order items may take up to 30 days to ship. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal (though we prefer you use another method due to their high fees), Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Note that all prices on our site are listed in USD. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us, and we’ll discuss your return options. Links to all our polices are listed at the bottom of the page for your reference.


Making model railroading accessible